

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Welcome Letter

We received Luke’s paperwork/welcome letter yesterday for Kindergarten.  However, Luke won’t be going to the Kindergarten across the street from us - like we thought.  Instead he will go up the street and around the corner (pictured above).  Kids are expected to independently walk to school, therefore they place them at schools where they won’t have to cross a street.  Luke took the news of the change very well.    In fact, today we walked to his new school and he had a chance to play on the playground.  Luke thinks his new school has a much better playground and we agree - after all that’s whats important!  Luke is really looking forward to school starting - in August.  He has informed me that he is going to walk himself to school - not sure Mom is ready for this.  I may need to invest in camouflage or something so I can secretly watch him as he goes.  Oh! And I’m definitely going to need a box of tissue - can’t believe he is starting Swiss Kindergarten in a couple of months.  

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