

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Solo trip to the Migros.

Grüetzi!  It has been snowing for the past two days and even though the temperature is below freezing its not sticking on the low ground.  However, we have a wonderful view of snow covered mountains - at least the bottom half.  We can't see the tops, they are covered by clouds.  

Today I took my first solo trip to the Migros (grocery store).  The trip went extremely well until the ride home - I knew I needed to catch the 140 or 240 bus, but for some reason my mind rearranged/flipped the numbers.  As a result, I got on bus 142 - after 20 minutes I realized I made a mistake.  Just before I thought about panicking I recognized an old familiar friend - Starbucks!  I got off the bus and walked about 3/4 mile back to the MIgros and got on bus 140- which took me home.

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