

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Ostereier Färben

Last Easter Luke and I dyed eggs using food coloring with an Expat playgroup.  Today we visited a local Spielgruppe (Swiss playgroup) for Ostereier Färben- or Easter egg dying.  First let me say that EVERYTHING was in Swiss-German!  I can usually get by with High German, but Swiss-German is a different story.  However, Luke was amazing!  One of the helpers told Luke what to do, Luke completed the tasks and responded in Swiss-German.  It was ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL!

The egg dying was unique.  The children each received 6 white hard boiled eggs.  Luke dipped 4 of them in water and then proceed to place petals and leaves on them.  Each egg was placed in a nylon stocking and secured tightly with twine.  The eggs were dipped in a pot of boiling flowers.  After they cooled the children removed the stocking and any remaining leaves and petals.  The leaves and petals left prints by blocking the dye, see picture below.  Luke dipped his remaining eggs in a vinegar solution and then covered them with crepe paper.

When the children were done with their eggs, they were given sirup (similar to Kool-Aid), warm bread, and chocolate.