

Monday, December 31, 2012

Airport Observation Deck

Switzerland is child-friendly.  This fact (or opinion), was confirmed today at the airport. After saying our goodbyes to my Mom, Luke and I headed to the observation deck.  Luke was blown away by the airplanes, airport vehicles, and control tower.  We watched several planes take off - including the plane my Mom took.  However, the highlight of the observation deck for Luke was the playground.  He quickly made friends with two other boys, soon they were involved in a game of airport.  Luke was one of the pilots.  The "plane and tower" actually had a speaker system so the boys were able to communicate with each other. I posted a couple of pictures and a short clip of Luke as a pilot- its in German.  Basically, Luke is saying "Können wir los?" (Can we go?)

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Ostereier Färben

Last Easter Luke and I dyed eggs using food coloring with an Expat playgroup.  Today we visited a local Spielgruppe (Swiss playgroup) for Ostereier Färben- or Easter egg dying.  First let me say that EVERYTHING was in Swiss-German!  I can usually get by with High German, but Swiss-German is a different story.  However, Luke was amazing!  One of the helpers told Luke what to do, Luke completed the tasks and responded in Swiss-German.  It was ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL!

The egg dying was unique.  The children each received 6 white hard boiled eggs.  Luke dipped 4 of them in water and then proceed to place petals and leaves on them.  Each egg was placed in a nylon stocking and secured tightly with twine.  The eggs were dipped in a pot of boiling flowers.  After they cooled the children removed the stocking and any remaining leaves and petals.  The leaves and petals left prints by blocking the dye, see picture below.  Luke dipped his remaining eggs in a vinegar solution and then covered them with crepe paper.

When the children were done with their eggs, they were given sirup (similar to Kool-Aid), warm bread, and chocolate.

Monday, January 30, 2012


Once again I am posting something that happened several months ago.  Last May we rode the Felsenegg up the mountain, which is a cableway car located about 10 minutes from our house.  Once you reach the top of the mountain, there is a restaurant, playground, several trails, farms, and an incredible view.  We rode the cable car up the mountain and then we followed a windy trail across the top of the mountain before following it down towards our house.  Click the link below for a slideshow of our trip on the Felsenegg.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Pumpkin Carving

I realize that the topic of this post is set in October and its now January.  I wish I could say that we have been really busy, but I just haven't felt like writing.  Still not really in the mood, but I'm falling behind.  Anyway, Halloween is not fully celebrated here in Switzerland.  There were a couple of costumes in stores, a few carnivals, but we didn't see any trick-or-treaters.  I was informed of several Expat activities, but we kept our halloween low key- Luke isn't real sure what it is anyway.

In our household, we celebrated October by watching the "It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown," eating Kürbis (pumpkin) soup, and carving a pumpkin.  To carve our pumpkin, we went to the Jucker Farm in Seegräben.  The farm took pumpkins and gourds to a whole new level.  They had sculptures made out of various fruits/gourds, a restaurant - which had yummy Kürbis soup, a store, winery, and coffee shop.  I enjoyed a pumpkin latte while Luke devoured a Spitzbuben (shortbread cookie with jam).  The farm also had several pumpkins you could purchase and carve on site.  Luke enjoyed scooping out the meat from the pumpkin- although he didn't like getting it on his hands.  After Luke carved the pumpkin he played on a small red tractor- which brought back memories of my brother and I playing on my Grandpa's tractor.  Luke also climbed, jumped, and ran through a hay bale maze.  The farm also had a petting zoo with rabbits and goats.  Unfortunately, the line to get in was extremely long, it was getting cold, and I was ready to head home.  Fortunately, leaving without petting the animals was an easy task since we live near a farm with goats and rabbits that Luke can pet on a regular basis.

Hope you enjoy the mini slide show at the top of this post, it has a couple of pictures from our adventure at the Jucker Farm.